Do the Amish Hunt and Fish? Yes, They Do

Not all Amish people go hunting, but in many of their communities, hunting, particularly for whitetail deer, is pretty popular. They hunt mainly for food and to keep animal populations balanced. But, whether they use modern hunting tools or not depends on their specific community’s rules.

Fishing is also popular among the Amish. Like hunting, it’s more about getting food than just having fun. The Amish usually stick to old-school ways of fishing. However, how they fish can change depending on where they live and their community’s guidelines.

You’ll often find Amish families going on camping trips, where they might do some hunting and fishing too.

Different Rules in Different Communities

Remember, Amish communities can be really different from each other. Some are super strict about using modern technology, while others are more relaxed. These differences can influence how they hunt and fish.

Hunting and fishing aren’t just hobbies for the Amish. In some Amish communities, hunting is a major activity, even though many people think the Amish only farm and go to church.

They usually hunt animals like deer and birds, using both guns and bows. Sometimes, they even go hunting for bigger game.

Even though the Amish are peaceful and avoid violence, they do use guns. Many Amish men own guns for hunting and controlling pests on their farms.

Bow hunting is also a thing in their community. They practice a lot to get good at it, often using fake deer targets.

Now, about overnight hunting trips – most Amish groups don’t really go for that. They prefer to keep things simple and not stay out hunting all night. However, there are some Amish groups who are a bit more relaxed about the rules.

These folks might be okay with going to cabins for hunting trips that last more than a day.

Do the Amish Need Hunting and Fishing Licenses?

In the U.S., the rules around hunting and fishing licenses are very strict, but there’s an exception for the Amish due to their religious beliefs and their traditional way of life, including how they hunt and fish.

Because they use traditional practices, in some states, the Amish are actually exempt from the usual requirement to have a hunting or fishing license.

This exemption, however, isn’t the same everywhere. It varies from state to state, depending on the local laws and how they view the Amish community’s practices.

Remember, the Amish live by their religious beliefs, and they follow God’s laws above government laws.

Because of this, they do not follow the typical rules that everyone else does. This hunting and fishing license exception is a way of respecting their religious way of life​.

Do Amish Women Hunt?

Amish women usually start hunting when they’re young, often with their dads. After they have kids, they tend to hunt less.

In some Amish communities, it’s seen as a bit odd if Amish women keep hunting after they become mothers.

But in more progressive Amish communities, it’s completely normal, and women there take just as much pride in hunting as the men do​.

How Do the Amish Store Game and Fish?

In the fall, the Amish focus on stocking up their freezers and pantries for the year. Hunting and fishing allow them put food on the table during winter and make sure the family has enough to eat.

The Amish use propane freezers or rent out freezer spaces to keep the meat fresh. They also dry some of the meat into jerky or can it. This way, they make sure there’s enough food to last the whole year.

Do the Amish Hold Hunting Trophies?

The Amish do not hold hunting trophies. They think showing off hunting trophies is vain, so they don’t do it. Instead, they focus on hunting to get meat for their family’s meals.

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