Here’s Why the Amish Don’t Wear Deodorant

Many Amish individuals choose not to use deodorant. While there isn’t a specific rule in the Ordnung against it, the avoidance of deodorant is linked to teachings against vanity. Some opt not to use scented items, including deodorant, due to these principles.

Some Amish individuals think using deodorant hides their natural body odor, a characteristic they see as God-given. They also see using deodorant as changing their bodies in a way that disrespects God.

Even if there’s unscented deodorant, some Amish folks might still avoid it because they believe in keeping their natural body odor as it is, seeing it as a gift from God. It’s not just about smelling nice but about respecting what they think God has given them.

Speaking of which, shaving is also considered a form of vanity.

The idea is that if no one sees your legs or under your arms, there’s no need to shave. If you choose not to shave under your arms and keep it natural as intended by God, deodorant should be unnecessary.

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