Why Do the Amish Cover Horses’ Eyes?

Have you ever wondered why the Amish put blinkers on their horses’ eyes? Let’s find out!

Why Do Amish Horses Wear Blinders?

Horses can see almost all around them, but some get anxious about things coming from behind or from the side, thinking it might be a danger. Blinkers or blinders are used to help them stay calm and not worry about what’s behind them.

The Amish cover their horses’ eyes primarily for safety and comfort, using items like fly masks and blinders. These coverings are designed to be comfortable for the horse. They are fitted carefully to avoid causing discomfort or restricting the horse’s vision unnecessarily.

Blinders, also known as blinkers, are often used by the Amish on carriage horses. They restrict the horse’s peripheral vision, helping to keep the horse focused on what’s in front of it and less distracted by its surroundings.

This is particularly useful in busy or unfamiliar environments, making the horses calmer and safer to handle.

Horses have a wide field of vision and can be easily startled by sudden movements or noises.

Covering their eyes can help reduce their stress levels and prevent them from being spooked, which is important for both the horse’s and the rider’s safety.

Fly masks are another common eye covering, designed to protect the horse’s eyes from insects, dust, and debris, especially during travel.

Unlike blinders, fly masks are usually made of mesh, allowing the horse to see through them while still offering protection.

They’re particularly helpful in preventing eye injuries, which can be serious for horses.

Wrapping It Up

Horses wear blinkers because they can be easily spooked by things they see, even seemingly harmless ones. That’s why people, not just the Amish, use blinders on horses.

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