Are the Amish Friendly to Outsiders? Most of Them Are

Amish communities place a high value on modesty and respecting personal space. This means they’re likely to be more cautious about physical contact, especially with people who aren’t part of their immediate family or community.

Amish communities often keep a distance from mainstream society due to their religious beliefs.

“Be in the world, but not of the world.”

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to shake hands with non-Amish people or talk to them.

In Amish communities, men typically interact more with outsiders, while women often stay at home.

This can make them less used to dealing with strangers, so they might seem shy or reserved at first.

But once you get to know them, they’re just as friendly as anyone else.

On the other hand, the more conservative Amish communities, actively avoid outside influences. They might seem unfriendly or even hostile because they see the outside world as harmful.

They believe that technology and modern chaos could harm their way of life.

Are Amish Raised to Not Let Others Touch Them?

The Amish aren’t strictly forbidden from physical touch by others. While they value modesty and personal space, there’s no firm rule against it.

They just tend to be more reserved in their interactions with non-Amish people.

Why Are Some Amish Community Friendlier Than Others to Outsiders?

Some people, including the Amish, are naturally friendly and kind to everyone they meet. They’re just genuinely nice.

However, if they think they can make a sale, get a good deal, or profit from you in some way, they’ll likely be even friendlier.

Amish businessmen are some of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet.

But if you say something against their faith or way of life, they might not be as warm.

If they feel like you’ve attacked their beliefs, they might not even want to do business with you, let alone be friendly.

How to Find a Friendly Amish Community

The Amish live in many states across the United States, with the largest populations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.

The best chance to find a friendly Amish community is often by visiting one that welcomes tourism. They’re used to meeting new people and are more likely to be open and welcoming.

Tourist-friendly Amish communities are welcoming and often offer guided tours, sell handmade goods, and host events where you can learn about their way of life.

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