A Quick Look into the Amish Leadership Structure

If you want to learn more about the Amish leadership structure, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll explore how the Amish choose their leaders and how they manage the community. Let’s dive in!

Who Is the Leader of the Amish?

The leadership structure of the Amish consists of a bishop, two or three ministers, and a deacon.

The bishop is the spiritual leader. He leads major events such as baptisms, weddings, communions, funerals, ordinations, and church meetings.

The ministers assist the bishop in fulfilling his duties and work alongside him. They help the bishop deliver sermons during Sunday services and may be called upon to officiate at weddings or funerals.

The deacon manages mutual aid programs to help members in need of financial assistance.

Each church district has its own leaders.

How Are Amish Leaders Selected?

The Amish use a unique method to select their leaders called the lot. After a daylong communion service, male and female community members nominate male members for open leadership positions.

Those who receive at least three votes enter the lot. To determine the chosen leader, a Bible verse is written on a slip of paper and placed inside a hymnbook cover.

The hymnbook containing the Bible verse is randomly mixed with other hymnbooks.

Each candidate selects a book, and the lot is determined when the Bible verse is revealed.

The Amish believe the lot to be guided by divine intervention.

The Amish Leaders Are Not Paid

The leaders of the Amish Church typically serve for life. The most important qualification for their role is living a consistent Amish lifestyle.

They don’t have any formal theological training as the Amish don’t go to school beyond the 8th grade.

What Role Does the Bishop Play in the Amish Community?

The bishop is a highly respected and influential figure in the Amish community. He serves as a spiritual leader and is responsible for leading church services, baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

The bishop also acts as a mediator in disputes. He is also responsible for ensuring that members of the community adhere to Amish customs and traditions.

He decides if a community member deserves to be shunned for straying from the Ordnung.

The bishop plays a key role in decision-making processes within the community, including matters such as land-use planning, community development, and community rules.

For example, the bishop decides if the community should adopt a new technology.

Not a Sought After Role

While highly respected, the role of bishop in the Amish community is not sought after by most people. A role that requires guiding thousands of community members takes a lot of time.

Guiding church members back to the correct path and disciplining those who have strayed from the Ordnung is not an easy task.

How do Amish Ministers Contribute to Their Community?

Ministers are important figures in the Amish church responsible for preaching on Sundays and helping the Bishop when necessary.

They prepare for their sermons on Saturdays by studying the Bible and other materials. They speak without notes and rely on the Holy Spirit for inspiration.

The ministers often visit members of the community offering guidance and counseling.

What Does the Deacon Do in the Amish Church?

The deacon is responsible for collecting and organizing alms for those in need and helping the bishop enforce the Ordnung.

He does not usually preach but may read Scripture and recite prayers during church services.

The deacon also handles wedding announcements.


The Amish leadership structure is an important and integral part of the Amish community. From the bishop to the deacon, each position plays a unique role in maintaining the community’s religious and social customs.

While the responsibilities of each position may differ, they all share a common goal of preserving the Amish way of life.

Understanding the leadership structure provides insight into the values and traditions that are at the heart of the Amish community.

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